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Certified Business Building Online Course


Marketing is the one of the most important aspects of a successful business and it’s something that not all of us are natural at.  In order to market your idea and yourself you need the proper tools to do so.  In order to create a successful business you have to be organized.  Organization is the key to success in business because not only do you have to keep up with your paperwork for tax purposes, but depending on what type of business you are going to start, there is always paperwork involved.  Not to mention supporting your clients and creating new business at the same time.  So where do you begin?  Are you overwhelmed wondering what step you should take first, second, third, and so on?  This course is designed to help you market yourself and your business, eliminates the overwhelming feelings, and helps you get organized and create a successful business.   If you are already in business this course will help organize the way you run your business and help market your business.

Click here to download course description.


Courses are certified and approved and offer 40 CEC's through the board of Registered Nursing-Provider No.13857


If you contact Joyful Living Services directly to order this course please let them know you were referred by Renu Ur Life Iridology,
Ref ID#: 19-10-067


This course available on Online ~ Payment Plans Available


Certified Business Development Online or on CD-ROM Course


Everyone and anyone who wants to learn how to create a business either in their home or online can take this course.  It does not matter where you live because the course is via the web at your home or office.  As long as you have e-mail and access to the web you can take this course from any state in the USA and any country in the world.

Click here to download course description.


Courses are certified and approved and offer 40 CEC's through the board of Registered Nursing-Provider No.13857


If you contact Joyful Living Services directly to order this course please let them know you were referred by Renu Ur Life Iridology,
Ref ID#: 19-10-067


This course available on Online or on CD-ROM ~ Payment Plans Available


@2016 - 2017 by Renu Ur Life Iridology

Serving Locally:

Gilmer, TX and Surrounding areas.


Via Zoom:



Call and schedule your Iris Analysis consultation today!



Tel: 903-720-7437



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The Information provided by Renu Ur Life Iridology is provided for your education and interest only. It is not intended as and must not be taken as a diagnosis for any disease condition. If you actually have any pre-existing medical conditions or suspect that you might, you should obtain the assistance of a licensed health practitioner for both diagnosis and treatment.

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