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Certified Weight Control Counselor Online Course


Weight gain is a huge problem in the world.  Weight gain is an increase in body weight. This can involve an increase in muscle mass, fat deposits, excess fluids such as water or other factors. Weight gain can be a symptom of a serious medical condition. 


Certain food groups (like sugar, grains, dairy and legumes) could be having a negative impact on your health and fitness without you even realizing it. Are your energy levels inconsistent or non-existent? Do you have aches and pains that can’t be explained by over-use or injury? Are you having a hard time losing weight no matter how hard you try? Do you have some sort of condition (like skin issues, digestive ailments, seasonal allergies or fertility issues) that medication hasn’t helped? These symptoms may be directly related to the foods you eat—even the “healthy” stuff.


This class will help you learn for yourself and teach your clients how to lose weight and improve their body composition without counting or restricting calories. Also commonly reported are consistently high energy levels, improved athletic performance, better sleep, improved focus and mental clarity, and a sunnier disposition.


This class is intended for both people who want to lose and control their weight as well as those who want to learn how to teach clients how to lose and control their weight.


Click here to download the course description and registration form.


Courses are certified and approved and offer 40 CEC's through the board of Registered Nursing-Provider No.13857


​If you contact Joyful Living Services directly to order this course please let them know you were referred by Renu Ur Life Iridology,Ref ID#: 19-10-067


This course available on DVD


@2016 - 2017 by Renu Ur Life Iridology

Serving Locally:

Gilmer, TX and Surrounding areas.


Via Zoom:



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Tel: 903-720-7437



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The Information provided by Renu Ur Life Iridology is provided for your education and interest only. It is not intended as and must not be taken as a diagnosis for any disease condition. If you actually have any pre-existing medical conditions or suspect that you might, you should obtain the assistance of a licensed health practitioner for both diagnosis and treatment.

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