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Certified "Clear Your Clutter" Course


You will receive a bound workbook, which will teach you everything you need to know about freeing yourself from clutter forever using Feng Shui principals.  This course is based on Karen Kingston’s book entitled “Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui”. 

Clutter is stuck energy that has far-reaching effects physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.  The simple act of clearing clutter can transform your life by releasing negative emotions, generating energy, and allowing you to create space in your life for the things you want to achieve.

In this course you will learn what clutter is, why you keep clutter, how it affects you, and how to let it go.

Click here to download the course description and registration form.


If you contact Joyful Living Services directly to order this course please let them know you were referred by Renu Ur Life Iridology,Ref ID#: 19-10-067



@2016 - 2017 by Renu Ur Life Iridology

Serving Locally:

Gilmer, TX and Surrounding areas.


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The Information provided by Renu Ur Life Iridology is provided for your education and interest only. It is not intended as and must not be taken as a diagnosis for any disease condition. If you actually have any pre-existing medical conditions or suspect that you might, you should obtain the assistance of a licensed health practitioner for both diagnosis and treatment.

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