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Taking A Photo of Your Iris


If you live too far away for an In-Person Appointment, or if your schedule doesn't fit into our office hours you may submit your own photos. Below I will outline how to take your own photos using either a digital camera or your smart phone.


Using a digital camera: - This is best if you can have someone take the photo for you. Good lighting or flash. Please make sure that when zoomed in on the image you can see the fibers of the iris. The clearer the better.


Using a smart phone: - Always use the rear facing camera. If you don't have someone that can take the photo for you, stand in front of a mirror so that you can see your phone screen. Again, make sure that when zoomed in on the image you can see the fibers of the iris. The clearer the better.


I recommend that you use a magnifier app that has built in light and is able to take photos.


You may need to use a flashlight to get the right lighting. DO NOT STARE at the light source, this could damage your eye.

Be sure to get the tops and bottoms of your iris, as pictured below, top right.


Take a LOT of photos, when you have 2 of each iris that is clear without blur (or nearly no blur) email them to It is important that you attach them to the email and NOT embed them. We have to be able to download them. Be sure to include your Name and phone number. If your name is different than the name you used to make your payment via PayPal, please indicate it in the email with your photos.


When you are ready to submit your order please do so through our 'Book Online' page. Please attach your photos to an email, and send to


Here are some examples of a smart phone photo: notice the fibers can easily be seen.


These were taken with an Android Smart Phone using the App 'Magnifier & Microscope [Cozy]' by Hantor

Another good app for Android Smart Phone is the App 'Magnifying Glass Flashlight' by Cool Guy

Here is an example of a digital camera photo:

@2016 - 2017 by Renu Ur Life Iridology

Serving Locally:

Gilmer, TX and Surrounding areas.


Via Zoom:



Call and schedule your Iris Analysis consultation today!



Tel: 903-720-7437



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The Information provided by Renu Ur Life Iridology is provided for your education and interest only. It is not intended as and must not be taken as a diagnosis for any disease condition. If you actually have any pre-existing medical conditions or suspect that you might, you should obtain the assistance of a licensed health practitioner for both diagnosis and treatment.

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